You make me say ewww ..
Hello darlings , yep its time for an update .
So Saturday sec1orientation
It was wahh LOUD , but thats they way
I like it ! Then sunday celeb my mom's b'day
Went to swensens for desert . Yummy ice-cream!
Did'nt take any pictures , to busy eating . hehe
Then monday wow tiring manxs ,
First school then had to rush back home
take my PE shirt . because i freaking forgot
to bring it along with me this morning .
God i feel like an idiot , i had to wear
it for CHINGAY rehearsal.
Located at the F1 pit , behind Singapore Flyer .
wow we had to do our fittings for out clothes more.
like costumes , hah really like las vegas show girl
But i like ! sexy and very BOOMZ .
I'll take a pic during FULL dress rehearsal
make you see the everything la , lazy want to
describe .Tuesday!ohh today !
hmm nothing much .
Just went to macs wif naimi after sch & mit up
with danish , haikal & their friends ;)
funny shit !
okayy tats all for today !
wow hah i thinks its the first time i blog like
this , hehee ! ceyhh .


I was playing with the lighter infront
of the mirror & tot i looked creepy .