Thursday, January 28, 2010

It just shouts me you know ? heehee
hello ! i sch has been well sch , i cannot really say what i have to say ,
well we all know why .
This days nothing is private .
well lets just see what happens if i kept i quiet
Today! went by very fast . okayy seriously what do you want
if you wanna keep calling my name and not say anything ,
Then? what ?
Hmm i'll just let it pass .
I dont want to make enemies kay
Hope you got that .
Can't wait for my little party this sat ,
its going to be all gossip girl !
Monday, January 25, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010


Rachaya surprised me by drawing this on my
table when i came back after Mt class !hheee

Heylo , went to ion with mom . Cotton on crazy , it seems like everyone wearing stuff from there sooner or later we are all gonna look the same if we continue like this .hahaa , well i have a new favorite , its called fruzen yugurz . yummy! so went recentyly went to eat lunch after school with feeqah , cel , cheryl at white sands the foodcourt there nice quite & comfy . Nice place to chill&eat .wah best my two fav things to do . The only day i am free is weds , which i think is gonna be replaced with more extra classes , i tell you it keeps on going . Well , lately i've been eating &sleeping alot hmm you can say 16hrs ? fuck ryt ? FAT i tell you; Urghh im so digusted of myself right now im gonna sleep at 12 tonight¬ eat recess tmw ! So anyone seeing me even going near them pull me away pls . tehee , i lovers my math teacher she really makes math not ure tipacal math lesson . tehhee myb becuz she just lets me sleep & not scoled me , how nice ? Thx cher! Tmw i have to go indian dance instead of drama ! Pfffft , cannot ! hmm but wat to do i alrdy told myself i would do chingay . Ouhh2 , i have a stalker ! i know creepy right now im scared to be alone , ahhh lucky tats hardly . Well of to hw ! ceyhh i know right , gimmie a good pat on the head ;) tehheee .
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
All these freaks run around/
You make me say ewww ..
Hello darlings , yep its time for an update .
So Saturday sec1orientation
It was wahh LOUD , but thats they way
I like it ! Then sunday celeb my mom's b'day
Went to swensens for desert . Yummy ice-cream!
Did'nt take any pictures , to busy eating . hehe
Then monday wow tiring manxs ,
First school then had to rush back home
take my PE shirt . because i freaking forgot
to bring it along with me this morning .
God i feel like an idiot , i had to wear
it for CHINGAY rehearsal.
Located at the F1 pit , behind Singapore Flyer .
wow we had to do our fittings for out clothes more.
like costumes , hah really like las vegas show girl
But i like ! sexy and very BOOMZ .
I'll take a pic during FULL dress rehearsal
make you see the everything la , lazy want to
describe .Tuesday!ohh today !
hmm nothing much .
Just went to macs wif naimi after sch & mit up
with danish , haikal & their friends ;)
funny shit !
okayy tats all for today !
wow hah i thinks its the first time i blog like
this , hehee ! ceyhh .


I was playing with the lighter infront
of the mirror & tot i looked creepy .
Friday, January 8, 2010
Flashback !
Goodbye .

Baby my cat , i never thought of this day when
you finally leave us .
You have always been there for me
my whole life practically . I just want to
say ThankYou for sticking by me since my
diapers days .
I never knew something i thought so
distant from me , mean so much .
Just know you'll be safe and i'll always be
there for you , okay here's the part
where the tears come in okok i shall stop now
before it becomes a soap Oprah .
Monday, January 4, 2010
Hello !Im happy;) i miss a few things though
anyways today was the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL .
kimekk , lyk so fast luh .
Tmw start lesson alrdy , as in studying&
stuff . Hmm nice to see everyone just now .
Very da jambu ahh ya'all now , its trueee!
heeehee . Alamak first day of sch lyk
eat eat eat , recess EAT after school
EAT somemore ,
went to near by coffee shop wif 2/2 clique
hahaa has to say 2/2 instead of 1/2 .
wierd . anyways , afta dat DRAMA , YEA!!
After drama went to macs with
cell&saraTasha for some GOOOD
prosperity burger . hah y do they call
it that its NOT prosper at all
although its sure yummuy!
Upcoming musical , july or soo
Can't wait !
I've sick& busy with friends lately .
so not tym swie babe's .
OUTINGs or on FB !
HMMM 1 word for each outing uhh .

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