hello ! yesterday i spent the whole day at
Naz's place , weee !gerek :)haha . I finally
got to eat sushi at my old place . haaa
kenyang skit !yesterday2 i was at T1 wif naz,
eqahh and bella . we were lyk monyets sesat
pat tamp mall hahaaa !
HAISS kenape la masih ade orang mcm
gini di dunia? Pick on someone your
one size la ?i mean if you matuared enough .
well what you say is not what you're showing,
cmon ' psal problem konek gini kau nk jadikan
hal besar uat ape . Just let it go la seyh.
Eshhh geram sak tngk orng macam gini .
If your not happy with your fucking life ,
tk payah lah nk vent it out on other ppl .
Sundal btol sia peragai kau . ishh2 kite pat
dunia untuk sementara je tau , yng nk uat musoh2
to ppl you dnt even know for what ryt ?
Hmmm i hope you'll find happiness one day .