Saturday, December 26, 2009
Heloo !
this week spent my days at zura's place .
aiyoyo soo many things happen from
ghost to getting high .
hahaa ! okayy so on the second
night was really creepy .
Things dropped BY IT SELF ,
zurah&kakdayah was feeling
very hot and they couldn't sleep .
I was snoring away ,
it was
strange because i did'nt felt anything .
But zurah and kakdayah had imagined
the same thing we were
all knocked on the head by some THING .
Then , last night me&zura
were feeling uneasy but kakdayah was ok .
creepy shit no1; chewing gum
container you know that small thing
was THROWN down onto the
floor and gave a big impact .
creepy shit no2;me&zurah
was watching a movie then all
of a sudden it stoped so i
thought the cd was
spoiled or smthg ,
then i offed
everything the tv n dvd player ,
then all off a sudden the
dvd player turned back on . ahhh!
creepy shit no3; the air-con died
and we coudn't on it back BUT the
next day it was okayy .
hiass there's more . but in the end
after saying
some prayers we were okay . AMIN!
heheee funfunfun .
i went to karoake at 12midnight with
kakdayah , zura , auntygina , auntyipah & uncle shidin
weee sung lyk a wild beast in there
gerek reached home at around 2plus after that watched
more movies ! haha everynight lyk movie marathon
*collage road trip
*pukai? tebing biru
*smthg else i forgot
*bring it on ;in it to win it .
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Pictures says a thousand words /
Monday, December 21, 2009
Life's VERY short.

hello ! yesterday i spent the whole day at
Naz's place , weee !gerek :)haha . I finally
got to eat sushi at my old place . haaa
kenyang skit !yesterday2 i was at T1 wif naz,
eqahh and bella . we were lyk monyets sesat
pat tamp mall hahaaa !
HAISS kenape la masih ade orang mcm
gini di dunia? Pick on someone your
one size la ?i mean if you matuared enough .
well what you say is not what you're showing,
cmon ' psal problem konek gini kau nk jadikan
hal besar uat ape . Just let it go la seyh.
Eshhh geram sak tngk orng macam gini .
If your not happy with your fucking life ,
tk payah lah nk vent it out on other ppl .
Sundal btol sia peragai kau . ishh2 kite pat
dunia untuk sementara je tau , yng nk uat musoh2
to ppl you dnt even know for what ryt ?
Hmmm i hope you'll find happiness one day .
Friday, December 18, 2009
one last kiss .
hello ! Today was like today(?).
Meet Spade , then tok2 .
Wahh today bdk2 amik 'N' dpt result ehk .
hmm best of luck , i guess its to late
too say that :]
OMjsdbG ! i spent $4.70
on fucking tea ?! at starbucks .
After that mit bestie go aunts place
and had a cute little tea party
yes an actual tea party with tea & fine china .
how pretty . Gosh i did'nt take any pics .
After a little tea went to pasir ris
to get my brows done
finally !
To ayeem im really sorry if
i mad you angry or
anything please for give me ?
I hope that wasn't the last kiss.♥
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Satellite Heart
Check out the video on the side bar ! NOW .
hehee .
I love the song .
(abit wrong the video sorry)
Hey , i just came back from
jb . Pheww , Glad im back.
Dats it im so loving the
new ETUDE HOUSE , buy
that Korean dude . They have that shop
in city square too ! ahh so pink
(singapore's outlet located at orchard mrt station)
was awesome !
Bella's really wired .
I guess thats the way she is .
OHH mom got me this cute dougnut
necklace from vincci. so cute !

yummy !(im no pro at taking pics tau swie)

My cat and her little friend .
Thursday, December 10, 2009
needs to clean up after her mess .
heyy !
im sooo tired this week has been outing after outing
i think im getting sick .
ahhh fuck ! anyways so not happy sch is starting .
have not touched my hw .
omg he called me and i was lyk tokin
lyk a fucking retard ?y !!?? seriously (mairah slap me )
ok dnt !
i feel soo STUUPIDD (mai/me new it word )
we say it funneh-ly . hiash ala fuck dat wat is done is DONE .

chilling after playing in the beach .



kamal buried in sand :3

sun sun and more sun

all thx's to this dude who planned da outing .
credits to ali .

sure i do heehee.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Heyy! soo yesterday was uper funny
drama is loves by moi !
soo after dat rushed home
i changed in lyk 15 min ?
ahh its hard for me to believe it .
okayy so got off at bugis wif cuzies
i couldnt even see the walls
it was lyk wall to wall full of people
ahhh ! madness .
Christmas season mah , i lovee crowded places !
okay so bought a dress im really picky
so will be coming back to bugis street soon
to buy more stuff ;)
holidays are soon over people !
wat are ure hopes for nxt yr ?
I just want happiness;)


(look at my eyes ! hahaah weird )
I was really tired whn i took this .
Thursday, December 3, 2009
hello syg's !
todae was ohh so fun went to
e-hub wif my darlings .
bowling , pierced and makan !
awww i mish them alrdy :(
anyhuuu im going to start a
blogshop soon with firah & mairah
in partnership wif me . ish ?
kay bye sexy's !
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
BB crazy !

urgghh im bck hahaa i juz i haf to
vent this out .
my brother n sister both of BB (blackberry)
N me a stupid stone aged phone
Fuck i want a BB too ! soo i cn bbm
(blackberry messenger) all my darlings !
the phone up there is fucking
$5700 , WAT ?! .
okay la quite understandable
hell NO !
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
April 2011

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