Sunday, April 12, 2009
i was suppose to post dis on sunday//hhahaee
heyyy .its sunday already ?
gawd i haf tooo goo to sch tommorow!my mondays
starts offf lyk shit ends well cuz drama is always there
4 me!hehe well thursday
sch was a wtf? and ouh well then yea!! haha .
met mairawr at tampines macs intro me to her friend
chloe funny girl .yah n there was this guy sitting behind
us i tot he was otitistic damn funny .//
chilled 4 dnt noe how long at the same tym loads of hot guys
past by us ouh yah see mairah 's blog .
soooo while walking weee saw TAMPINES 1 ,
just opened
shafikah ;omg when did dis opened
mairah;OOO MMM GGG
at the same tym haha lols ran inside like kuku's
look 4 awhile den gtg cuz it was lyk i dnt noe 6plus..
i slept over mairah's place as we lyk to call it a sooireewent to da beach the next dayyy it was cooling n calming(smiles)
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