hehe i noe its sucks but ue did'nt even try..~`let seee updats welll went to eastpoint wip hana,laura,crystal n belinda the other dayyy.. laura was craving 4 food sooo we went to kfcwhr there wre alot offf ccss'ians haha thier sch opposite duh!saw reyhan,afiq n nabil did'nt change abit always bumb into dat guy..sooo weeee walked around there at tot lets goo tm..hahawhnn we got there i ..shalll say no more hehecommon test!1 word (what?)i was totally unprepared 4 it bbutt i tot it was'nt that difficult ouhh well wat is done is done; )canosian saints dayy !hahha the whole schh had 2 sit down at the festival courtits lyk a parade square //n listen to the priest tokeddn stuff sooo the catholics had too eat da bread whichh lookslyk a circle its sooo intresting watching them//haha jakunsooo after prayy2 we partehh hehehe pinyataa wass there!there was actually a rock band who came too my schh omg it was soo muchh funn alll of us weree jumping n dancing crazynesss mannn ,soooo i had 2 goo back 2class after 2 3? songs the band played i goot scolded by my seniors cuz i was not suppose to be crazying around at the hall it was only 4 upper secit wass soo unfair cuz the sec2 were there n some sec1 classes alsoo n non of them gt scolded accept 4 usss !hahha karma u noe//heres some picsss :)

i could hardly take a pic cause ppl were pushing!

da band namee forgot hehe

Dis speaks 4 its self;)