Yea!!went to seee mairahhhh yesterdayy izzati(mai'sfriend) came along weeee wenttt kuku wuhoooooo gawd i love them!firahhh cnt makeee ittt sooooo yar sukishhh..well lets seee fridayy wass awsomee!i got tooo meet my dramarians in my sch theeeeyy're okaee ..//i did'nt get to join drama syf cuzz goo nooo moreee placee poot lah//sooo i ended up wif ppl who did'nt get into they were sha okae i forgot shit i could only remember lana n jaqualine tehheee damnnnn talk activeee.weee had tooo organise a drama camp forr the new comers from sec1 ..yea! soooo then i left schhh at 6. mom fetched meee "maaa i want tooo makan!""okae" i love 2 makan!