As i said i went to da crownePlaza..
we ran to our bedroom nn jumped on da bedd
craseyy..after dat order room service n makan!!
again boi i love fooooddd hhehe..//watch-tv
take picturesss rondom stufff we slept at 3o'kok
i guess we wanted to take it allll innn!//the next dayyy
after breakfasttt we treated ourselves wit a little
bubble bathhh arhhh relexing tats a good wayyy to relaxs
beforee startinggg ureee newww year attt SCHOOL sheeeshhh
the sound of it already gave me chillss...//welll after dat makan!
again..aharr got boreddd as mairah said in herrr bloggg we only bought
one toppp at cotton on...soooooo tk puas hati(NT satisfied) gooo again bought 6!tops
altogether...tats the stufff//we got backkk i had toooo go home
mairah dramma mama//kesian..>okaeee byyeeeeeeee
ouh yaaaa xmas hatt i'll upload in next posttt
i thk,..