Thursday, December 25, 2008
up its tym for an update!
heloooo i knoe its beeen awhilelets seeee last weeek ouh yahoriantation
well if ue haf no life thenn go ahead watch itt wat else ouhhh i went to this
really coolll weading they had this performance whr indian/north indian
ouh i dnt noe do this dance wif this upbeat indian song witch i was loving
okaeee that ws all i chld remember..thisssss weekkk veryyy interestinggg
heheh i wennnt to watch another mopie yes man!! wifff mairahh hehe
sharpirawr was sopose to come but chldnt becuz of her trip wif hidayah
awwww saddd..n then weeewent crazyyy over cotton on whn
we saw $5 topsss yea usss after all dat weee were soooo pisttttt
lazy to explain why i guess its karma!
afterrr 2hrs off long waiting we finaly got back to mairahs place at9++
hungry to deathh didnt eat the whole damn dayyy sooooo weee
ate almost everything that was edible hehe lets see rice+somestuff,maggie,mcspicy,fishnchips,
n lots more..hehe after tat mairahs dad dicide to bring us n adam to the crowne plaza weee were goin crazy!photos will be uploaded sooonnn tilll hereeee ..
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