Hello! yesterday , had some fun under the sun.Celebrated feeqs awesome b'day at sentosa.Happy b'day my Bi you are stil very young only 3 ! so must still enjoy kay ? Ltr when you get to secondary stress you know ! haha , jkjk .
After that we made our saperate ways , me &keisha headed of to ion to do a little shopping & find her some make-up ! Then meagan&cheryl went to VS . Feeqs had to go for dinner with family ;( So while at orchad we web-hored at the Imac store damn funny lah , people wear looking but we did'nt care ! Hah Naz ! i read your latest post its okayy in 2yrs we will go bali together ! Love ya NazzBegs !

heyy ! today we had our surprise b'day (mini) party for my B ! feeqs lurve you!4 yr old Baby .We wanted to action Victoria secret models but failed ! HEHE we still hawt . Pics on FB of course ! I just love2 today had so much fun & now so exhausted ! Tmw time for some fun under the sun !
My god ! common test has started!3more days ,
we are that close to march Hols !
Yeppey ! party ! NO more chingay practices , although i know im going to miss it . It was truely an amazing experience meeting people from all walks of life coming together to party ! hehee .& im talking about chingay what else ? Ohh well who know's maybe some day i can tell my children about this i'll be the coolest mom ever !eww why am i talking about that. anyways , i shld go study now kay bye -
I want it so badly !

I wish i was a young little french girl
living in the lushes villas in the Bahamas
with my friends we will be drinking our little
tea ,away from all that drama that is oh so unnecessary.
Dancing on grass , sleeping rooftops watching the stars
as we fall asleep .Escape with me

Melacca , was nyehh .
I liked the architecture of the houses
very old yet chic . \
Had lots&lots of food yummy ones !
Time for a diet , hah only words lah .
common test is coming and
i better start getting to those books !
Everything seems okayy
its just that my mind runs away ,
and i seem lost but ,
it will always finds its way back .
I finally realised after that
day that i NEVER loved you .
I was only in love
with me being loved by you .
happy V day! .LOVE, know
the true meaning of it.
Yea i can be really harsh .
I need to get out of there .
''i was only asking''
yea okay i still *insert*.
Really theres no point to blog about shit anymore im mean now there's so much rules about getting fined , jailed etc . about what you write . It gets so annoying because they keep repeating it overNover again! ya lahh i know . Urghhh ! its so frustrating what ever we do they know what ever we write they also know . Might as well live under a microscope or smthg sia .Goshh .Bye2 singapore so long & im NOT coming back .
(as soon as im legal of age )KNN !
Chingay is next week Drama performence at FCC
Is on the same day !Which one ?!
i hate making decision like this i love both ?Hmmm .
MOVIE date with clique .Woahh its been awhile since i've seen a movie
yeaa ! soo happy i can see that dark room with the BIG screen
again!School get out of my way !
okayy enjoy reading ! hope ue dnt sue me *in a sarcastic way*
Just keep looking up !

Ben&Jerry's . My best friends . when im lonely & feeling blue
they are always there to comfort me .
thank you.