Im back bitches !
hehee yes i've been silent lately but lets skip that part
im officialy SINGLE ! yup i'm done .
I feel lyk i cn fly haha so free . im dying to get out of this
hell hold . Now that i haf so much more time it gave time to
think about everything i've done this year , y n wat was the
purpose if me doing such things ? hmmm i realized i've made
a shit load of mistakes , but im only human all i can do is learn
form it . and now that i have a better understanding about what r
my wants and wats really right for me right now i can continue my
life with my chin held high and a pure heart .
im sorry to every1 that i offended or made ue pissed because of my actions .
okayy i didnt turn into a total little miss goody-two-shoes
, i just woken up abit.
theres still that bitch in me .
sorry for the late updates ,
i've been doing some soul searching .
haah soo less of me .
bye for now .

hee webcamed .
hellooo ! i feel soo bored lyk if i sit 4 tenmin n do nthg
i feel the urge too go out n do smthg .
haaa the wonders of holidays.
i miss alot of things hmm myb im juz
adapting to the change .
you no ppl say if ue eat at night
u'll get fat . true or not ah ?
hehee ppl hu i miss the most .
bby !
mairah !
shalika joey hana !
zura !
bubble tea at my old place !
no matter wat i cnt let him go just thinking bout
him makes my heart beat faster . how i wish i could
over come this weekness of mine . and just let ue go
bby , i love you . i know i cnt give ue want ue want but
y do i have to suffer . i mean it can be a mess , i just nd you
to tell me evrything is going to be okay n u'll be by my side.
ure taking everything so lightly .
bby im not even sure , i nd prove\
if thats true , then i'll let it be . y cnt ue see how
im drowning in
desire for your attention . i dnt noe wat to say really .
dnt make me give up .
i can care less if ue love me
or hate me !
Going to take my results ! ahhhh
die ! updating soon .